Monday, March 3, 2008

Bridget's Rainbow

Happy March, all! A month that brings the rain and flowers with Spring..and for those who get excited about the very Irish holiday, St.Patrick’s Day, then you’ll be looking forward to picking a four-leaf-clover…and maybe drinking a good pint of Guiness.

Well, what more could go with the Irish theme than our featured author this week who loves to write stories with a Celtic twist. C.H. Admirand has recently released her newest book titled Bridget’s Rainbow. In this fantasy, a girl by the name of Bridget O’Halleran wishes on a magic rainbow for a strong and wise man to love her forever. Trouble ensues as this man appears to rescue her when she falls into a lake the rainbow is hovering over, and the magic begins to really take place involving a clever ghost, a host of faeries, and a gentleman’s duel.

To know more about Admirand, check out her BYS bio. Here are some words from C.H. Admirand herself, to give you even more of a personal perspective of the motives of this writer:

Hmmm...what's different about my books is that I like to use family names and my Celtic heritage in my writing. In my first book I named my hero after my youngest son, Joshua, and my heroine after my great-grandmother, the real Margaret Mary Flaherty...her picture is on the cover. It's a connection that I really enjoy.

As usual, as you guys post comments you know that one of you will be eligible to win a signed copy of a past release by the featured author. Admirand is going to give away a signed copy of Patience, a story about three cousins, Patience, Charity, and Prudence, who are the complete opposite of their names. Here is an awesome book trailer for this book:

My question of the week:

What would you do if you wished upon a rainbow, and magical faeries appeared to guide you in your wishes directions? I know this is kind of a silly question, but I am curious to see responses on this! :)

Keep it happy….keep it relaxed..and keep it nice and cozy, Between Your Sheets!


Dina said...

Hi C.H.

I love the names: Patience, Charity and Prudence, I want to read Patience just b/c of that. :)

I always think now when I see a rainbow, where does it end. If fairies wanted to guide me, that that would be so beautiful. I would let myself go and let them lead me to a fantasy of a lifetime.

Stacia said...

Your books look so lovely, C.H. I haven't read any of your books but I'm very much looking forward to doing so.

If I wished on a rainbow & faeries came to guide me, I think I would freak out a little at first because I've read a few books about faeries where they weren't the cute little sweet beings that I heard about when I was young.

But if they didn't harm me and proved that they did, in fact, wish to guide me in my wish's direction, I suppose I would follow and hope for the best :o)

Meg said...

I thought i would say that your books look quite interesting. I have yet to read them for i have just heard about them but i am very much into readin about all things irish, especially an irish love story mixed in with the Fae.
Well as a little girl, i have always wondered what i would do if i was given such a chance. I would follow the path of the fairies for though they can be mischievious, most of them mean well. It would be interesting to see where they lead me though i would try to be cautious so as not to get myself into any trouble.

Anonymous said...

when i could wish upon a rainbow..i wished that my sweet sweet aunt will be relieved from the serious illnes (and i talk about this notorious illnes that begins with a C ) she has.
That my family stays healthy is what i wish for..

Jennifer A. Ray said...

I loved both of these books! Patience was a very intriguing story - loved the romantic suspense element coupled with the historical genre. I can't wait for stories with Prudence and Charity!

I just read Bridget's Rainbow the other day. This was simply a delightful romance. Whimsical, yet not fluffy. It had depth and humor that enhanced the romantic elements.

OK, really, I've loved every C.H. Admirand book I've read so far. :-)

Maureen said...

I would hope first of all that I recognized that they were real and I wasn't loosing my mind. Then I think I would grateful for the help.

C.H. Admirand said... this is my second try posting to the kids are positive I live in a cave I'm soooo out of touch with blogging, etc.

ANYWAY....Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by.

I'm delighted to be featured at Marla's Blog this week. I'd like to share a tidbit of info about Bridget's Rainbow with everybody. If my editor at TWRP, Tiffany, hadn't rejected the story in it's original form, I never would have expanded it to include a romance.

Without Tiffany's questions, which of course fired my imagination, there wouldn't be a story at all. So a HUGE thank you to Tiffany!!! She really is the best. ;)

Congrats again to Dina, my Jan/Feb contest winner! How cool to see you here, too.

Jennifer!!!!! You are a goddess among reviewers. I'm so grateful that you enjoy reading and reviewing my books as much as I enjoy writing them!

Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments about my book covers, the cover gods truly smiled on me this year. When you do have an opportunity to read one of my books, I'd love to hear what you think.

One more thing before I go...a bit of background about where the idea for BR came from. A few years ago, I had a calendar with photos of Ireland in it and there was one gorgeous photo of a vibrant rainbow plunging into the depths of Killarney Lake. It took my breath away. Then there was this photo I'd bought awhile ago of a cottage, somewhere in Ireland, white-washed, thatched roof and a bright yellow door. ;) more thing, I believe in Faeries. ;) Wish I could see one, but I have seen flashes in the corners of my eyes at times (which I'm sure are the fae teasing me) and always make sure to plant flowers that I'm sure the faeries would love to dance upon as the dew is falling or the stars beginning to glisten in the dark night sky.

Thanks for stopping by...I hope to hear from you again...
Enjoy the rest of your day!
C.H. Admirand

Anonymous said...

Hi CH, your books sound wonderful.
Jennifer sounds like a big fan of your work. I will be checking them out.
I love everything Celtic. I even have shamrock in my garden. The shamrock was given to my husband grandmother, her best friend brought it home from Ireland in a tampon box 50 years ago.

I am hoping a rainbow will end in my garden someday... :)


Natalie S. said...

LOVE YOU Bunches! Keep writing!


Dina said...

Hi C.H.,

Yes, your email was a very nice surprise!

Jenine said...

I have no idea what I would ask a fairy, although I think it would have to be something altruistic. I'd feel guilty just making a wish for myself.

I'll have to keep an eye out for this book. My two favorite genres are romance and fantasy and this one seems to fit precisely in these catagories.

April said...

Knowing me, it'd probably be for something romantic. Like a great man:-)

I really like your blog. Thanks for sharing!

tetewa said...

I would like to be able to spend one more day with my dad, he's been gone for over 10 years now.

C.H. Admirand said...

Happy Friday Everyone!!!

What an interesting mix of wishes.
If I had a wish I know it would be for my children to find the perfect someone and be as happy in their lives as I've been in mine.

If you've visited my site, you know that my hubby and I met and fell in love at first sight. My darling children are a lot more cynical than I ever was and don't really believe it could happen, BUT I know that fate and destiny cannot be ignored.

Natasha!!! Another goddess among reviewers! You and Jennifer are the best!!!! BTW...I'm on pg 150 and you know those characters I named after you and Jennifer??? They're really in the thick of things!!

Marlayne...I'll add your aunt to my thoughts and prayers and send positive vibes your way. Dad's been gone for 9 years this year, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him or something I want to tell him. But in my heart I know he's up there watching over me and knows that I miss him and love him. I know your Dad is too!

I must say, Elayne, how intelligent of your grandmother's friend to think of putting the shamrock in the tampon box...the last place anyone would look for something like that. ;)

Thanks for stopping by...I'm going to be putting up a new contest in the next week or so...stop by my website. I'd love to hear from you. ;)

Have a great weekend!
C.H. Admirand

Anonymous said...

Hi Marla & CH, I have enjoyed reading this blog! I am new a this blog thing.Will be checking your books out CH they sound so wonderful.

Mia :)

Unknown said...

Wow, these comments have been great CH. I am looking forward to seeing you at RT it will be great fun!

acdaisy95 said...

I would wish to visit my grandparents.

Caitlin Hoy said...

Hmmm......... If I could wish for something it would probably be to know everything past present & future because I am really curious about Everything and am also a big worrywort. The fairies would probably trick me and then ditch me because I can be a big pain in the butt. : ) As you can see with what I wished I'm kinda annoying personality wise. Oh well, maybe I should just ask for the safe fallback wish of a pot of gold. After all you can never go wrong with a classic.

C.H. Admirand said...

Congrats to Stacia! Your name was drawn as the winner of the signed copy of PATIENCE.

Thanks to all for stopping by Marla's Blog!
C.H. Admirand

Dina said...

Congrats Stacia. :)